A division of
ParkZone P-51 Mustang Parts
Mustang Servo Cover
Introducing the Mustang Servo Cover - a sleek new servo cover for general purpose aerodynamics.
It will be necessary to drop the control rod down 1 or 2 holes and clip the remainder of the horn to achieve full aerodynamic efficiency. I use a small piece of heat shrink to secure the clevis to the horn and 3M Gift Tape to secure the cover to the wing.
In our constant pursuit of aerodynamic efficiency and mechanical protection we use the Mustang Servo Cover - made from White - .040 High impact polystyrene .
In the pictures you see what can be accomplished with a coat of paint , a pair of scissors and a piece of sand paper.
The servo covers will arrive rough cut with a suggested cut line.
Glue or tape in position. You can also install it with screws for easy removal.
This servo cover / fairing can also be used for any situation where a cover is needed.
Let your imagination run wild!
Mustang Servo Cover
Installed Plane List
ParkZone P-51 Mustang
SkyAngel T-33
Made in the USA